Regulatory Compliance

Cybersecurity: Israeli-made Components Become a Target for Hackers

Hackers, Cyber Attack

The critical importance of cybersecurity in water treatment facilities has come into sharp focus lately with a slew of attacks in just a few weeks. Worldwide there have been multiple instances of cyberattacks targeting these essential services, underscoring the need for enhanced digital defenses for our most precious resources. These incidents not only highlight the vulnerabilities of water systems to cyber threats but also the evolving nature of these digital threats. 

Just days ago on December 7th, a water treatment plant in the Irish city of Erris faced a cyberattack that left about 180 residences without water for two days. This attack was linked to the use of equipment from Israeli companies, targeted by a group believed to be from Iran called CyberAv3ngers. In the U.S., the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, also experienced a breach by this group, which managed to control a device at a remote water station. 
The CyberAv3ngers, a group believed to be linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, is engaging in cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, including water treatment facilities, as part of a broader geopolitical strategy. Their actions appear to be motivated by the desire to undermine Israel, by targeting entities using Israeli-made equipment. It appears these attacks are not just about causing immediate disruption but are also part of a larger messaging effort to influence international perceptions and exert geopolitical pressure.  

These incidents underscore the challenges water treatment facilities face in securing critical infrastructure. The CyberAv3ngers’ attacks, though not known for their sophistication, demonstrate the vulnerability of facilities that neglect basic security measures. Furthermore, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been scrutinized for insufficient resources and personnel to adequately address these cybersecurity challenges. 

The Biden administration announced plans to improve the digital defenses of public water systems earlier this year, with a focus on industry accountability. This includes novel rules placing more responsibility for securing water facilities at the state level. However, experts like Mark Montgomery, former executive director of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, criticize these measures as inadequate, pointing out that both the EPA and states lack the necessary resources. The water treatment industry also expressed concerns, with the American Water Works Association highlighting practical problems in the government’s approach. 

The incidents revealed technical vulnerabilities, such as poor security practices and outdated software. For example, the breach in Pennsylvania exploited poor security practices, including an exposed device to the internet and weak password protocols. Cybersecurity experts recommend not only patching these vulnerabilities but also adopting robust security measures like multi-factor authentication and regular security audits. In this digital age, cybersecurity is an integral component of water treatment operations. Facilities must stay abreast of the latest threats and ensure that their systems are fortified against potential breaches. This includes regular updates to security protocols, employee training in cybersecurity best practices, and collaboration with government agencies for guidance and support. 

The recent cyberattacks on water treatment plants in Ireland and the U.S. serve as a wake-up call for the industry. As cyber threats evolve, so must the strategies to combat them. This requires a concerted effort from both the government and the water treatment industry to invest in stronger cybersecurity measures, enhance employee training, and develop more resilient infrastructure. The safety and reliability of water services depend on the industry’s ability to adapt and respond to these digital threats effectively. 

Sources: CyberScoopReutersWestern People

Understanding EPA Effluent Guidelines

Effluent guidelines are critical regulatory standards developed by the EPA to manage the discharge of pollutants from various industrial operations into receiving waters. These guidelines play a pivotal role in maintaining water quality and protecting environmental and public health.  

What Are Effluent Guidelines? 

Effluent guidelines, also known as effluent limitation guidelines, are EPA-developed standards that regulate wastewater discharges from industrial sources to surface waters and publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). These standards aim to minimize the release of harmful pollutants using specific treatment and control technologies. 

Purpose and Development of Effluent Guidelines 

The primary goal of EPA effluent guidelines is to reduce the discharge of regulated pollutants to protect water quality and public health. Unlike risk or impact studies, these guidelines are technology-based, relying on the effectiveness of treatment technologies. The EPA assesses industry practices, pollutant characteristics, and treatment technologies to develop economically feasible standards for pollutant reduction. 

Types of Regulated Pollutants 

Effluent guidelines categorize pollutants into three types: 

  • Conventional Pollutants: Includes substances like oil and grease. 
  • Toxic Pollutants: Includes priority pollutants such as phthalates. 
  • Non-Conventional Pollutants: Includes substances like per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS). 

Control Technologies 

Six control technologies underpin the EPA effluent guidelines: 

  • Best Available Technology (BAT) 
  • Best Practicable Control Technology (BPT) 
  • Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) 
  • New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) 
  • Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (PSES) 
  • Pretreatment Standards for New Sources (PSNS) 

These technologies ensure that both direct and indirect dischargers effectively manage and reduce pollutant levels. 

Implementation and Compliance 

Effluent guidelines are enforced through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for direct discharges and the pretreatment program for indirect discharges to POTWs. Compliance is monitored using databases like the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Pollutant Loading Tool and the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS)-NPDES. These tools provide detailed tracking of discharge amounts, permit violations, and enforcement actions. 

Continuous Improvement 

The EPA regularly updates effluent guidelines to address emerging challenges. The latest Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15, published in January 2023, focuses on reducing PFAS in wastewater discharges, reflecting the EPA’s commitment to evolving environmental standards. 

What Water Treatment Pros Need to Know 

  • Understand the Categories and Technologies: Familiarize yourself with the types of pollutants and the applicable control technologies to ensure compliance and optimal treatment processes. 
  • Monitor Compliance: Utilize EPA tools and databases to track and maintain compliance with effluent guidelines. 
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest EPA updates and guidelines to address new challenges in wastewater treatment. 

By adhering to these guidelines and leveraging advanced treatment technologies, water treatment professionals can significantly contribute to protecting water quality and public health. 

SOURCE: EPA, Wastewater Digest

Carbon-Based Purification and Advanced Disinfection in Modern Water Treatment

Water treatment plant

In the realm of modern water treatment, the integration of carbon-based purification and disinfection solutions plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and quality of water supplies. These technologies, essential for both municipal and industrial applications, have evolved to address a range of contaminants, including organic compounds, pathogens, and chemical pollutants. Carbon-based purification, primarily through activated carbon filters, is a cornerstone in water treatment processes. Activated carbon is renowned for its exceptional adsorption properties, owing to its high surface area and porous structure. This makes it highly effective at removing organic compounds, chlorine, and chloramines from water, substances that often contribute to taste, odor, and color issues.

The process involves trapping contaminants in the pore structure of the carbon substrate, effectively removing them from the water supply. The versatility of activated carbon extends to its ability to tackle a broad spectrum of contaminants, ranging from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and pesticides to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Its application is critical in preventing these substances from compromising water quality and posing health risks to consumers. Moreover, activated carbon filtration serves as a crucial step in the multi-barrier approach to water treatment, providing an additional layer of protection by enhancing the removal of contaminants that may escape other treatment processes.

Parallel to purification, water disinfection is an equally critical component, ensuring the inactivation or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms. While chlorination has been traditionally dominant, alternative disinfection methods have gained traction, particularly where by-product formation or residual disinfectants pose concerns. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), which often involve the generation of highly reactive radicals, stand out for their effectiveness in degrading a wide array of contaminants, including those resistant to conventional treatments.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is another powerful disinfection method, offering the advantage of neutralizing bacteria, viruses, and protozoa without the addition of chemicals that could form harmful by-products or alter the water’s taste and odor. When combined with hydrogen peroxide, UV radiation can lead to hydroxyl radicals’ formation, further enhancing its oxidative capacity to break down complex pollutants, offering a robust solution to emerging contaminants.

Innovations in carbon-based technologies and disinfection methods are continuously emerging, reflecting the water treatment industry’s adaptability and commitment to safeguarding public health. The development of more efficient activated carbon forms, including granular and powdered variants, and the integration of nanotechnology, exemplify the ongoing advancements aimed at enhancing contaminant removal efficiency and operational effectiveness.

As the water treatment landscape evolves, so does the importance of staying abreast of the latest technologies and practices. Water treatment professionals are tasked with not only implementing these solutions but also ensuring they are optimized to meet the ever-changing regulatory standards and public health goals.

Carbon-based purification and advanced disinfection solutions are integral to modern water treatment strategies. Their continued development and refinement are vital in responding to the complex challenges posed by a diverse range of waterborne contaminants, thereby ensuring the delivery of safe, clean, and reliable water supplies to communities worldwide.

Resources: EPA, The Water Research Foundation, World Health Organization

Spiked: Pharmaceuticals and Illicit Drugs in Water Systems

pharmaceuticals and drugs

Water treatment professionals are increasingly dealing with
a relatively new rival to traditional pollutants: the presence of both legal
and illegal drugs in water systems. Recent investigations have revealed that
substances such as fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine, and a range of
pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) are increasingly contaminating aquatic
environments, posing significant risks to human health and ecological systems.

In San Francisco, a novel wastewater testing program has
provided unprecedented insights into the city’s drug usage patterns, revealing
alarming levels of potent substances like fentanyl and methamphetamine in local
wastewater. This initiative, which began in November 2023, marked the city’s
worst year for overdose deaths, with 806 fatalities attributed to accidental
overdoses. By analyzing wastewater samples from various city locations, health
officials aim to monitor drug supply and use trends, thereby enabling more
effective public health responses. This method of surveillance, which was also
employed during the COVID-19 pandemic, underscores the evolving strategies
cities are adopting to address public health crises.

Meanwhile, Las Vegas has encountered similar issues, with
water scientists detecting increased concentrations of party drugs and
medications in the water following major events like the Electric Daisy
Carnival and the NFL draft. These findings are particularly concerning given
the city’s reliance on recycling all indoor water, including sewage, to
mitigate the effects of the ongoing megadrought in the West. While the
treatment processes in Southern Nevada are deemed effective in removing these
drugs from the water, the long-term ecological impacts, especially on fish and
marine life, remain a source of concern.

PhACs, identified as emerging micropollutants, originate
from various sources, including the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, and
agricultural runoff. Found in concentrations ranging from nanograms to
micrograms per liter in wastewater treatment plant effluents, PhACs can cause
acute and chronic harm to wildlife. Addressing this issue, wastewater treatment
technologies such as bioremediation, adsorption, and advanced oxidation
processes have been explored for their efficacy in removing PhACs. Notably, membrane
bioreactors (MBRs) have shown removal efficiencies of up to 99%, presenting a
promising solution for minimizing pharmaceutical pollution.

The advent of these pollutants in water systems highlights
the need for innovative treatment solutions that can address a wide range of
contaminants, including novel drugs and PhACs. As cities like San Francisco and
Las Vegas pioneer wastewater testing for drug surveillance, the water treatment
industry must adapt and evolve its technologies to combat this emerging threat.
The development of new bioremediation techniques and the investigation of
green, eco-friendly alternatives are critical steps toward ensuring the safety
and sustainability of our water resources. As water treatment professionals
continue to confront these issues, their efforts will be instrumental in
safeguarding both human communities and natural ecosystems from the adverse
effects of drug pollution.

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