The Water Expo 2024 is back, and this year, August 20-22 in Miami, Fl, it’s bigger and better than ever. This is your one-stop shop for everything related to water treatment, wastewater management, and more.  

Here’s what you can expect at The Water Expo 2024: 

  • Expanded Expo Hall: Packed with top-tier exhibitors showcasing the latest technologies, equipment, and services in the industry. Find solutions for all your water & wastewater needs. 
  • University Day: A dedicated day (August 20th) featuring cutting-edge presentations on critical topics like manhole inspection, PFAS removal, and sustainable water management practices. These sessions are offered in both English and Spanish. 
  • Special Accredited Courses: Deepen your knowledge with accredited courses on trenchless technology, pipe rehabilitation, water treatment, and water quality. These comprehensive courses are available in English and Spanish. 
  • International Focus: The Water Expo 2024 welcomes a global audience with dedicated international pavilions and partnerships with over 20 international representatives. 

Why Attend? 

  • Discover innovative solutions: Find the latest technologies and equipment to improve your water & wastewater operations. 
  • Gain valuable knowledge: Attend educational sessions and courses led by industry experts. 
  • Connect with industry leaders: Network with colleagues, decision-makers, and potential partners. 
  • Earn CEUs: Several of the courses offered qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). 
  • Free access to The Energy Expo: Your Water Expo registration grants you free access to The Energy Expo, happening concurrently. 

The Water Expo 2024 is the premier water & wastewater event in the Americas. Pre-show rates are expiring soon! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and grow your business.