Water main breaks are a persistent challenge for utilities worldwide, causing service interruptions, costly repairs, and potential public health risks. Traditionally, utilities have focused on pipe age, material, and diameter to assess failure risks. However, new research suggests that these factors alone don’t tell the full story. By harnessing a deeper, data-driven understanding of the hidden factors behind water main failures—beyond just aging pipes—utilities have a powerful opportunity to predict breaks before they happen, saving millions by preventing costly failures. Could your current approach be missing critical warning signs?
A Nationwide Analysis of Water Main Breaks
The study, published in Environmental Systems Research, analyzed data from 13 utilities across seven Canadian provinces. Covering nearly 26,000 kilometers of pipes and over 62,000 water main failures, this research represents one of the most extensive datasets ever examined on this issue.
While confirming well-known correlations—such as older pipes and smaller diameters being more prone to failure—the study revealed several overlooked factors that contribute to water main breaks, offering valuable insights for utilities aiming to enhance infrastructure resilience.
Beyond Age and Material
One of the most significant findings was that installation quality is often more critical than age in newer pipes. The study found that pipes less than 20 years old were more likely to fail due to poor installation rather than material degradation, suggesting that workmanship and adherence to construction standards play a major role in early pipe failures.
Another important discovery was that universal joints failed more frequently compared to collared joints. Utilities may need to reevaluate their choice of joint types in future pipeline installations to minimize failure risks.
Soil type was also found to be a key factor in water main breaks. Pipes in clay and sandy soils were more likely to fail than those in damper environments. Failures in clay soil were often linked to bedding issues, where improper support led to stress fractures. In sandy soils, breaks were associated with settlement shifts, causing misalignment and added stress on pipes. This finding underscores the need for customized engineering solutions based on local soil conditions.
The study also highlighted seasonal factors that influence water main failures. While winter breaks are often caused by freezing and thawing, summer breaks were more commonly due to accidental damage during Canada’s short but intense construction season. Improved coordination between utility teams and construction crews could help mitigate risks like these.
Turning Data into Action: What Utilities Can Do
This study provides concrete recommendations to help utilities develop more targeted, predictive models for managing infrastructure.
Improving installation standards is a critical first step. Utilities should prioritize contractor training, enforce strict installation protocols, and conduct post-installation inspections to reduce early failures.
Utilities should also reconsider joint selection. Given the higher failure rates of universal joints, they may want to favor collared joints or explore alternative joint technologies.
In areas with challenging soil conditions, utilities should invest in proper bedding materials and flexible pipe supports to prevent shifting and settlement-related failures.
Enhancing coordination with municipal and private contractors can help reduce accidental breaks during peak construction months. Better communication and planning can prevent costly damages and service disruptions.
Refining predictive maintenance strategies is another essential step. Instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all approach, utilities should develop risk-based maintenance models that integrate pipe attributes, soil conditions, seasonal risks, and installation history.
Looking Ahead: Smarter Infrastructure Management
This research marks a critical shift in how water utilities will approach water main failure prevention. Rather than relying solely on age-based replacement models, utilities can use data-driven insights to proactively manage risks and extend the lifespan of existing infrastructure. This system-wide approach will be essential as utilities face growing pressures from climate change, urban expansion, and aging infrastructure.
The evidence here is clear: water main failures are rarely the result of a single factor. By considering the full spectrum of possible influences, utilities can better predict and prevent costly failures. And as the industry evolves, embracing data-driven decision-making will be key to building more resilient water systems for the future.
SOURCES: Environmental Systems Research